For most of my adult life, I've had the idea of running a marathon in my head, but never taken it seriously. First, school and work got in the way, then marriage and work got in the way, then having a son and work got in the way. Well, now I'm in a situation where I have a jogging stroller, and Devon LOVES the stroller, so he can't be an excuse. Working two jobs is tough on time, but you know, I'm inching closer to thirty, and if I'm going to do it, I need to do it now. So... On October 4th, I will be running in the Cowtown marathon in Sacramento. I'm just now starting the training process, as running 26.2 miles isn't something you just do.
Matt is going to start working on training with me, so if there is anyone else out there that wants to run a marathon, start training today and we can all go down to Sacramento and run a marathon. You in???
Good for you Josh! My question is how did you get home from church and post this so fast?
I ended up leaving church right before it started, because Devon was not interested in sitting still quietly and waiting for children's church, so we went home and took an early nap... or at least he did!
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