Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Traveling man (still)

Well, Shasta Regional Medical Center is going through some changes right now, so they won't let us work on any accounts. Unfortunately, this means I have been sitting in the lobby of the Holiday Inn on Hilltop waiting. My bosses finally decided that we have waited long enough, so I'm going to Sacramento tonight through Friday, and probably for the early part of next week. I'm sick of traveling, and SUPER sick of hotels, but what do you do? At least I have a pay check and an expense report. Luckily, the next four working days are not days I was supposed to have devon, so that helps things.
On a side note, Devon and I voted yesterday! He was impatient, of course, because voting isn't fun for a two year old, but I thought it would be good to tell him later in life that he was there with me when I voted for the first presidential election of his life. The elections didn't go the way I wanted, but they went the way I thought they would, so no surprises! The next four years should be very interesting if nothing else!


Littau family said...

Nice to see you back on the Blog Josh. Remember that Obama doesn't have the power to do a lot without the Congress. The elections went well in the form that the Republicans still have the ability for the filibuster. The next 4 years will either be very good or bad for the Democrats. My theory is the better side as the economy will probably be doing better by the next election as the relief packages recently done will help economic recovery which Obama will take credit for. - Mike

Josh said...

Thanks for the thoughtful response! It's nice to see the blog is able to spur discussion. I'm not sure that the economic recovery package will help the economy. Governmental intrusion into the economy is a dangerous game, and I think it will hurt the economy. I do, however, believe that Obama's presidency will be lauded as a great one by the press, as they will not allow the first black president to be called an abject failure, even if he is. I actually think he will serve two terms, and his second term could be really bad for the country, since he won't have to worry about being elected. He is an extreme left wacko, but I don't think he will show it fully until 2013. I'm not stressing about it though, as it was inevitable for some time that our nation would devolve into a government-centric society. All nations throughout history have, and America is no different.

January Bibbey said...

Josh, it's so good to hear what's going on with you again! I have been praying for you all! The elections have been a roller coaster and I have put my faith that good will come from this presidency...take the good with the bad and I think a lot of people knew it was going to turn out the way it did. I'm mixed on the economic issues....God has control and we have to have faith in that! Love you!!!