Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour Revolt!!!

Tomorrow night at 8:30, there is going to be an "earth hour." Liberal wacko activists everywhere are convinced "global warming" is the great threat of our time. In response, they are creating this hour where everyone is supposed to turn off all their lights, not drive, not use any power or water, etc. in order to "save the planet".
Call me skeptical, but I'm convinced global warming is a ridiculous myth. My proposal to everyone who is sick of liberals like Algore or Barack Obamania telling us that WE are the source of all the world's problems... REVOLT!!! If you're home tomorrow night, turn on all the lights in your house. Open the refrigerator door. Make a point to do your laundry. Run your water non-stop. It's only an hour, and there is a major push to do this from a lot of high-profile people who are sick of the global warming myth. The goal here is to actually INCREASE energy output during this hour in an act of silent protest.
This isn't just about global warming, everyone. B. Obamania wants to give the government the power to remotely control our A/C units to cap how high or low the temperature in our houses can be (no, I'm not making this up, he actually said this in a recent internet "town-hall" he held). California wants to ban black cars, because they feel owners of black cars use their AC's too much when it's hot. This is a ridiculous intrusion of government into our lives. STOP THE INSANITY!!!


Jessica said...

I'm with you Josh! My electric/gas meter will be running at top speed tomorrow night! I can't wait! Stop The Obamamania!

Anonymous said...


I'm in... All my lights... The Laundry.. The air conditioner..

Hey.. And to add just that little extra mom and I will fire up the bar-be-que and have a nice steak!!!

I'm going to drive the van all day tomorrow to use up that extra gallon of gas... No M/C riding tomorrow to save gas. Well, maybe just for fun :-)


Anonymous said...
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Littau family said...

Josh you have not posted anything in 6 months and this is the best you got :)

I find it interesting to participate on both sides as I think it will only satisfy the person participating as they'll be no measure to the results.

How about an old fashion street protest with both sides screaming at each other?

From a $$$ side... I guess you pay to waste, save to conserve. That is my approach as it is about $$$.

Josh, does this mean you'll start using your blog?


Anonymous said...


Conservatives will do what they feel is best..

Liberals will do what they feel is best...


Josh said...

Mike, I promise to actually use my blog, yes. Maybe not as often as some, but more often for sure!

Kristen said...

Tonight at work we blast the water and turn the a/c down to 60. Who cares if the guests are cold?

The Braun Family said...

Josh, it is Sat. night (9:15) and right now I have my dishwasher going, my washer and dryer, 2 people have used the hot water for a shower, all the yard lights are on,including the porch light and the lighted Easter tree on my porch, the TV is on, and almost all the lights and fans in the house are on! I just wish I could do more for my country!
Love you Josh! Aunt Leslie and Uncle Fred! He's behind you 100%