Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Kari's job

There is, I know, a decent chance that nobody will read this in the near future, since I haven't posted since before Thanksgiving, but I wanted to throw something out there. Kari is applying for a position in the church we are attending. It is a missions assistant position in which she would be coordinating missionary activities, helping establish missions outreach programs both locally and globally, and processing prayer requests for the pastoral staff. It is an exciting opportunity for Kari, and I believe for the family in general. I would appreciate as much prayer as possible for God to reveal His will to Kari through the application process of this job. We see it as much more than an opportunity to get a job. We see it as God opening a door to what we as a couple are called by God to do. While circumstances preclude me from leaving my job at this time, eventually we want to be in full time ministry together, and this is a great step in that direction for Kari. If it is in God's will, I know that Kari will accomplish great things through this position!


Littau family said...

Yeah, we check it, there just usually is the normal thanksgiving greeting! Just kidding! Good luck Kari! I hope it works out and you end up loving it!

Unknown said...

Wrong, wrong, wrong, I check your blog everyday! I was just thinking about putting a response in to ask you if you last blogged Thanksgiving of 2006 or 2005, it'd been so long I couldn't remember. LOL I'm glad about Kari's mission's job, hope it works out for her. What's happening with the other job possibility? Is P.F. Chang's all done? I'll call soon to catch up. See you at the Super Bowl party, right? :o)