Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

It's been awhile since I have posted, largely due to the fact that Devon has been a handful each and every day lately. Luckily, though, there is a lull in the Devon storm, so I have a spare minute. Kari and I want to wish all our friends and family a happy thanksgiving, and we wish we could be in Redding with all of you. As many of you may know, I will be planted in front of the TV Thanksgiving morning watching my beloved Dolphins, but after that Kari and I will be having our first major holiday on our own, which is, in a way, exciting. God has blessed us tremendously this past year. Devon has been the best thing to ever enter our lives, and he brings us a glimpse of God every day. Having him with us now, it is hard to remember what life was like without having a child, and we wouldn't trade parenthood for anything.
Kari is on the worship team at Cornerstone, which is saying a lot considering the size of the church and the process one must go through to get on the team (she had to audition with a bunch of other people). We'll be talking to the missions director next week to discuss getting involved in that area somehow, which is exciting. We're not totally sure what God has in store for us in 2007, but I know it will be interesting to find out. I pray that all of you are doing well, and don't forget to pray for those in the military who cannot be with their families. I'm sure it hits them hardest this time of year.


Kari said...

By the way, Josh doesn't post until he has comments so pllllease post comments on his blog. He likes feedback. =)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear things are going well at your church - that will be great for you guys! Good job, Kari, on making the Worship Team! We're looking forward to having time at Christmas with you all! Love - Mom